Rumors Detective



Rumors Detective, 流言侦探(Chinese), is an interactive fiction game inspired by how people communicate with each other nowadays. It is a life story about ten Chinese young people. The ten characters in the game will be involved in a series of murders, and your goal is to help them to find the truth. You need to find clues by interacting with the ten characters in a WeChat-like interface and reading a diary. Your choices will decide how the story ends. To create an immersive experience, we wrote a thirty thousand word novel. There are more than 20 hours of content to enjoy the story.


  • Developed the whole game with Unity independently, including a Wechat-like chat system and an interactive text with UGUI and TextMesh Pro.
  • Developed a data-driven architecture to help the designer create content.
  • Co-designed the gameplay.

Awards Nomination